Who’s Sarah?

She has a soul that longs for travel; a curiosity for the world, wanting to immerse herself in different cultures. Feels a deep connection with nature. Loves animals and plants alike. Has a love for art, design and beauty all around. She has taught yoga for over six years, and completed her 500 hour yoga certification, as well as a 150 hour Crystal Healing certification. Photography is a side passion that she wishes could be a not-so-side, but full time job kinda passion. Traveling photographer anyone? Yes please!

This space has been created to share about things that I love. I will offer tips and discussion around travel and plants, yoga and crystals, hoping those topics drive inspiration for you! Take what you like, and leave what you don’t…I look forward to the journey!


BA, Interior Design

E-RYT 200 HR

E-RYT 300 HR

150 HR Crystal Healing Diploma